Pleiadian Tonal Keys

They are 75 frequencies that represent a Syrian Alphabet delivered to the Pleiadians for their evolution in the time of the new dawn they had millions of years ago. They had duality like us now, and thanks to a work in brotherhood, they reconstructed the original cell to then sow it in the DNA of what we now know as humanity. These codices come from the Pleiadian DNA of Aripka Maia, who comes directly from the Pleiades and was instructed in that school before coming to Earth. 

From this technology emerges Syrian Numerology.

Son frecuencias y códigos que han descendido al planeta Tierra para ayudarnos a sanar, re-codificar y cambiar aspectos de nuestro ADN Interdimensional. En ese campo infinito se encuentran acumulados experiencias de esta vida, vidas pasadas y herencias de nuestros antepasados. Cada código es una biblioteca que nos cuenta y recuerda una parte del infinito universo.

The Pleiadian Tonal Keys are frequencies and notes of love sent by our Pleiadian brothers to help us in our process of awakening and inner evolution.

The Pleiades, within the galactic stage, is an initiatory and preparatory school; many beings who now collaborate with their missions in the passage towards the new time were formed here. Our DNA largely comes from this consciousness and civilization. They are our galactic fathers, mothers, who sowed in Gaia a spiritual DNA, with consciousness, capable of evolving itself and experiencing free will.

They are the builders of our human DNA and know how to recode it. These notes of love change the vibrational state of our interdimensional records to evolve.

The Pleiadian Tonal Keys have shape, color, and sound.

The conjunction of these 3 energies forms an energetic package that, when activated in human DNA, ignites a resonance note with the divine truth that we have sown as souls. 

This technology recodes the Interdimensional Human DNA, leading it to activate its full potential. re-codifica el ADN Interdimensional Humano llevándolo a activar todo su potencial.

This technology features a Master Key called DIVINE INTELLIGENCE, its code is RAVENA, which means "Ra Ship", the sunship that ignites the human light vehicle capable of synthesizing its entire galactic journey through the sacred geometry of the octahedron and the solar discs that activate what we call the Galactic Genome. This is very important because we have all had a journey, meaning our light has been decomposing into different spaces, and it is time to gather all those fragments in this present that we inhabit and that inhabits us on Earth. INTELIGENCIA DIVINA, su código es RAVENA, que significa «Nave Ra», la nave sol que enciende el vehículo de luz humano capaz de sintetizar todo su recorrido galáctico a través de la geometría sagrada del octaedro y los discos solares que activan lo que llamamos: Genoma Galáctico. Esto es muy importante, porque todos hemos tenido un recorrido, es decir, nuestra luz se fue descomponiendo en diferentes espacios y es tiempo de reunir todos esos fragmentos en este presente que habitamos y nos habita en la tierra.

This key is the heart of our GENOME, containing within itself all the information of where we come from and where we are going.

The key activates the engine of our heart to re-trigger our solar identity, who we are.

To reweave the network of brotherhood, it is necessary for each being to remember who they are and what their mission is within the fabric.

"A fabric cannot be united and pure if the cells that compose it are still lost."


If you want to acquire the Oracle of the Pleiadian Tonal Keys through this site: > Haz Clic Aquí <


To watch a 3D video of the Clave Tonales "Inteligencia Divina"

If you wish to train in this technology, review the Program and Training Phases here:

Program of Training in Pleyadian Tonal Keys

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